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In my first year being in Design school, I was tasked to redesign the entrance and passageway of Temasek Polytechnic's Design school in the concept of PLAY+GROUND. The vision I had for this design was to connect together creative minds into one fun and vibrant space. This project is named CUBIC as I had decided to design the project based on cubes and music. I was inspired to design with cubes upon finding this project called Nakagin Capsule Tower in Japan by architect Kisho Kurokawa. I loved the way everything was still well connected while the cubes are orientated differently. I then tried to portray that in my own design for CUBIC.


Each cube in the design represents a different type of musical activity that students from the school can actually visit with their friends during their breaks or after school. Such activities would include a karaoke machine and games that students can bring with them into these rooms. I have also designed an elevated stage in the middle part of the entrance to allow for students or staff to showcase their musical talents such as playing of instruments, singing or dancing. Hence, 1 of the cube rooms would be catered to the performers to practice or get ready. There are also areas and platforms where other students and staff can stay to watch the performances going on stage. I hope that through this design I was well able to portray elements of PLAY+GROUND in the school setting. 

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